Name ♡ 
Touma Hiroya
  Aliases ♡ 
Mr. Touma, The nurse.
  Age ♡ 
In his 30s
  Birthday ♡ 
Feb 18th
  Height ♡ 
  Job ♡ 
Part time school nurse, S.E.E.S researcher
  Identity ♡ 
Cis gay (assumed)
Transfem gay (actual)

  Hair ♡ 
Light pink and long, ends reaching to mid back. Kind of messy, with flips and curls. Barely kept out of his eyes, held back by a clip.
  Eyes ♡ 
A peachy orange color, rounded in shape with pretty lashes, often hidden by his large glasses.
  Features ♡ 
Slight wrinkles under his eyes. Bitten nails and rough cuticles.
  Scars ♡ 
Many minor ones across his whole body due to random injuries
Two long scars down his back

  Likes ♡ 
Sweets, trinkets, nature and gardening, learning more about shadows.
  Dislikes ♡ 
Overly salty snacks, horror movies, storms.
  Personality ♡ 
Shy, but sweet and caring. A bit..awkward too.
  Skills ♡ 
Has a lot of medical knowledge, able to dress wounds very quickly. Gives pretty good advice, is very easy to talk to.
  Flaws ♡ 
Incredibly clumsy to a fault. Falling, tripping, breaking things is very common. Puts others above himself, hardly listens to his own advice.
  Hobbies ♡ 
Reading, cooking,
  Motifs ♡ 
Peaches, lambs, doves, nurse themes, shades of pink, angels and feathers, roses.

Misses him often, wonders if he'd be proud of where he is now.

Adored him from the moment he was born, even with how everything turned out he was happy just to take care of Touma.

Wishes he could have met her.

Was happiest thinking of who he'd become.

Barely remembers much, but everything he does remember..leaves a sour taste.

Touma was never his son.

Feels like he owes his life to him. Genuinely adores him even regardless of his major crush. Sweet, funny and kind.

His perfect assistant. Views him as a holy being that must be protected at all costs. (Before the delusions; was very fond of him still, almost to the point of backing out of his plans.)

Worries heavily about him. He seems cool and collected but how much of that is numbness? It seems like his friends are helping him break out of that shell though.

Seems nice.

Was a little worried at first she was a 'mean girl' but quickly realized he was completely wrong. They're actually quite close!

Thought he was a bit incompetent at first, but warmed up soon after. Her gossip buddy.

Enjoys the energy Junpei brings to the group, thinks it wouldn't be the same without him. Though he wishes he would open up more about his troubles...

Thinks he's really cool and nice! Was mad that the rumors of a 'cute new school nurse' was this guy, though.

Impressed by how strong she is, the real glue that holds everyone together. Tries to make sure she remembers she's still just a teenager, not to put too much pressure on herself.

Finds him to be a very good person to have as a part of SEES. Thankful to all of the help he's given.











Dog... doggy...what a good boy!


He feels awful about the past he lived through and doesn't expect either to forgive Shuji. He just wants them to regain some normalcy in their life now.

Hates him? Likes him? They don't know. It's confusing. (They'll warm up to him.)